Sunday, August 25, 2024

Quaqortoq, Greenland…Almost A Metropolis

 Unlike our arrival in Nanortalik, today we were greeted by fog.  Looking out the balcony we saw nothing but white.  Where is Quaqortoq??

We meet our tender at 9:15 and hope land is somewhere out there.  After about 10 minutes it comes into view. Whew!

A bit of history for you….Quaqortoq, with a population of about 3,000, is the most populous town in Southern Greenland.  Inhabitants date back to prehistoric times.  The Vikings came in the 10th century, followed by the Inuits and then the Danish people.  

Charles and Anne Lindbergh spent at least an overnight here in the summer of 1933.  

Lutheran is again their one and only religion.  We visited the church and I had a delightful conversation with a woman congregant.  I started by asking her if the wreaths on the side wall were in memoriam and she recanted the story I had read about, of the 1959 sinking of the Danish cargo passenger liner that struck an iceberg on its maiden voyage off the coast of Western Greenland.  Only the lifebelt was recovered so, yes, the wreaths were to honor the lives lost.

A local artist wished to turn her town into an open air art gallery so carvings and sculptures can be found throughout Quaqortoq. 

Dom loves cemeteries 🤷🏻‍♀️ so we had to climb the hill for a photo op. I would assume burials can only take place in the spring 😢

We came upon a “kayak show” which was super cool….literally.
 Two guys in wetsuits literally flipped their kayaks over, again and again.  They did not have on gloves and their faces were exposed.  I can’t image how cold that water is!
Shockingly, we are improving our selfie technique so here’s one from the tender for your amusement😃

A short but delightful day, again learning about the culture and lifestyle of the people of Greenland.
Tomorrow a relaxing day at sea as we travel to Newfoundland.

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